
The interesting things only found in Hinghlands

Coming to the Highlands, you can not only ride elephants to discover the villages, enjoy a charming Buon Me cup of coffee, but also immerse yourself in the unique space of gong culture.

Depending on the time you spend in this sunny and windy land, you can schedule to experience the interesting things here. Together with Eviva Tour, let’s explore the exciting activities only found in Highland as follows:

Enjoy a concert of gongs

Enjoy a concert of gongs

Gong culture is a wealthy intangible heritage of ethnic groups. Gongs are musical instruments made of copper alloy or mixed with gold, silver or black copper. Every festival in a year, from the ear blowing ceremony for infants to buffalo sacrifice festival… must have sound of gong as a link to connect people in one community.


The people here think that death means starting a new life in the world of ghosts. Tombs, tomb statues are made to serve the breakup, the ultimate joy of the living and the dead. Sepulcher is inspired from daily life, productive labor and spirituality associated with customs of each ethnic group.

Enjoy a fragrant cup of coffee so called Buon Me Thuot coffee

Nowhere to enjoy delicious coffee as in the Highlands. Maybe because of growing in the space of basalt soil, in the sun and the wind, between the fresh air of heaven and earth, the coffee cup brewed from the products of this land is really fascinated. Coffee Festival in the Central Highlands is to honor the coffee trees, which have brought prosperity, enrichment for this upland.

Explore Ako Dhong village

Explore Ako Dhong village

Ako Dhong or Buon Co Thon is a hamlet of Ede ethnic, located at the end of Tran Nhat Duat road – Buon Ma Thuot city. This is a large village with long history and still maintaining many traditional values. Currently this place is a tourist attraction of the city. Coming to the village, you will better understand the lives of the people in sunny and windy Central Highlands, they live in a typical mountain atmosphere all the time.

Ride elephants in Buon Don

Ride elephants in Buon Don

Riding elephants through Yok Don National Forest, or paddle a piragua on the Dak Min lake, rustic wooden houses, sauntering goat herds, the poetic river named Serepok, ect. will not waste a trip to Daklak.

Conquer Indochina junction

Bo Y border gate, where cockadoodledoo is heard by all three countries is the address which should not be missed if you have an opportunity to come to this land. As a border junction among Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia, this is an important milestone of the national territory.

Highlands with seasonal flowers

December is an ideal time for tourists to come to Highlands since in this time there are many festivals taking place here and it is also the season wild sunflowers bloom brightly on basalt.

In early January, the Highlands turn itself into leaf color of the rubber forests. The rubber trees pour leaves, shaking their fatigue off in the last one year.

March, when coffee flowers bloom white, starts every spring. Each flower season usually blooms for 2-3 times until late spring.

Conquer the fierce cascades

There are countless spectacular waterfalls on Highlands for you to explore such as Yaly located in the Ya Tang commune, Sa Thay district, Kon Tum province. There are also other famous waterfalls like Thuy Tien, Dieu Thanh, Ba floor … Near Me Thuot city there also have beautiful waterfalls as Dray Sap, Dray Anour, Dray H’Linh.

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